Basic Materials
Add Glowing Eyes
Cardstock paper
3 sheets Floormat EVA foam
Contact Cement
Cheap Brushes
Black & Gray Acrylic Paint
Plasti-dip (Black, 1 can)
I used plasticdip, Brittany from punished props used a different material. There are videos on the differences between the two, I would suggest you take a look!
Clear flat spray paint to seal paint
Remote operated red flickering lights (Amazon)
Hot Glue
Zip Ties
White 6mm foam
Add Music Audio

Punished Props is an amazing couple based out of Seattle that share their cosplay ideas, templates, and projects with the world.
The Surtur Skull template is available through them, and check their other stuff out too!
There is an awesome video put on by Brittany that really walks through the template and how she put it together piece by piece and then painted.
26 guage wire
ihome board (or other)
cylinder battery charger
bluetooth add-on
iphone app / music